Adisseo Sponsors DCRC’s Free Webinar: Enhancing Reproductive Efficiency, with Speaker Dr. Phil Cardoso

Adisseo Sponsors DCRC’s Webinar: Oct. 26th, 1:30pm
“Enhance reproductive efficiency, progeny performance and herd dynamics with supplemental methionine.”

Oct. 26, starting at 1:30 p.m. Central time (Chicago time).

Phil Cardoso, University of Illinois associate professor, will lead the free, one-hour webinar.

Go to: to register for this FREE DCRC webinar. 

If you are a DCRC member and cannot attend the live program, you may access the webinar at by Nov. 9.

Attendees can earn continuing education credits (CEU). CEUs are available from:

  • Veterinarians may earn one RACE credit = Registry of Continuing Education program administered by the American Association of Veterinary State Boards. To learn more about this opportunity, contact JoDee Sattler at:
  • ARPAS = American Registry of Professional Animal Scientists.

  Feeding dairy cows during the transition period to meet their nutritional requirements is crucial for the dairy farmers’ profitability. Every year, researchers worldwide help dairy farmers, veterinarians, and nutritionists better understand the biological mechanisms behind how cows utilize and effectively convert feed into milk. We will discuss the nutritional strategies and goals for a successful transition period, such as for a cow to calve, not get sick, milk well, and get pregnant again in a timely fashion. The correct diet will meet the cow’s nutritional requirements and be designed so that cows get just what they need; not more; not less. Feeding rumen-protected methionine during the transition period resulted in improved uterine immune function through improved glandular morphology, increased neutrophil infiltration in bovine endometrial tissue, improved oocyte quality, and calf intake. In conclusion, the transition program’s impacts should be evaluated holistically, considering disease occurrence, productivity, and fertility since it dramatically impacts the herd dynamics.


Feeding rumen-protected methionine during the transition period in a ration that is balanced for amino acids:

  • Improved measures of fertility of dairy cows.
  • Improved dry matter intake of wet calves.
  • Can change the herd dynamics in a more profitable way.

Phil Cardoso, DVM, PhD University of Illinois Associate Professor

Phil Cardoso is an associate professor of Animal Sciences at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, where he is conducting research and providing outreach programs in the area of dairy nutrition and reproduction.  His experience with dairy farms in Brazil and the USA brings a different perspective and management skills that help him with discussions in class.  His broad technical and analytical background is improved every day by the exchange of experiences he has with students, staff and world well-known professors at the U of I.  He obtained a PhD degree in ruminant nutrition from the University of Illinois, and a Masters and DVM degrees from the College of Veterinary Medicine at Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS) in Porto Alegre, Brazil.  Dr. Cardoso was born and raised in Brazil and soon discovered his passion (dairy cows) and got involved with livestock operations in the southern part of Brazil.

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